ODLC 2022 Annual Report


2022 was an outstanding year for ODLC’s conservation mission. We partnered with landowners to put 12 new properties into easement in Loudoun and Warren County, bringing our total held conservation easements to 120. These easements helped to safeguard 1,768 acres of Virginia lands from development, including 350 acres of active farmland, 1,158 acres of prime farming soils, and 631 acres of hardwood forest. Several of our 2022 easements adjoined other properties held in easement by other land trusts, helping to protect large swaths of contiguous, undisturbed habitat for native plants and animals.

Notable projects this year helped to preserve:

  • 1.4 miles of Potomac River viewshed, including prospective sites of early American and Native American settlements.
  • Over 100 acres adjoining Shenandoah National Park and Skyline Drive.
  • Potential Civil War sites from the Battle of Upperville near Middleburg.
  • Portions of the Middleburg and Waterford Historic Districts in Loudoun County,
  • A 385-acre plot of forest in the southern Catoctin Mountains.

Since 2008, ODLC has work with landowners to protect 18,696 acres of land in Virginia across 11 different counties. We look forward to seeing what 2023 holds!

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